Tuesday 15 September 2009

ERTF exhibition and Cambridge

I had a lovely day out yesterday spent visiting the ERTF textile exhibition on in Cambridge. There is not enough textiles about and it is amazing how talented people are. I loved the little 3D figures that were covered in hand stitching, also the person who had recorded her family history with embroidery in a sampler style. Sorry I can't remember the names. I wish it was displayed on a taller table, perhaps a strange request.
All that bending made my back ache!! I bought a card by Gina Ferrari - pictured right and Cathy Unwin, on the left.
Before going to the show I called in at Lakeland as there was a gadget I was after. An apple peeler and corer. When we stayed at my sister in law in Perth, she had one. They used to have one in school to encourage children to eat apples. It also peels potatoes. It's really easy to use and really pleased with my purchase.
So I had a go tonight with apples and made Apple Charlotte. We have an apple tree in the garden, all these winds is bringing the windfalls down a treat.


  1. Hello--
    Apples Yum especially in the fall.
    What is Apple Charlotte?

    Have a great evening.


  2. Sounds like a good time even if it did make you sore!! I use the Topricin natural pain cream for my minor aches and pains...works so good. Mmmm, apples and all you can make with them!

  3. Thank you for buying my card! Pleased you enjoyed the exhibition.

  4. Apple Charlotte is layers of breadcrumbs and apple baked in an oven proof dish. The recipe i used is from the Edmonds Cook book, which is the bible of cookery books in New Zealand. They call it Fruit Betty. It is really tasty and easy to make.
